

Here I go...

When I was in 5th grade, my parents gave me my yearly school clothes budget. I quickly knew exactly what I wanted, Guess overalls... the stonewash version. When that purchase was done, I had enough for a pink polo and some new shoes. I felt pretty cute the first day of school. But on day 2, I think I learned my lesson. I had spent every last penny on one outfit and could have made my money go a lot further. From that day on, I have been a smarter shopper. It was a valuable lesson to learn at the age of 10!

I love to save money. I always have. My mom gave me a newspaper article one day saying it reminded her of me. In huge black letters, it read "MY JOB IS TO SAVE YOU MONEY!" It's true. I am constantly informing friends and family about the deals I found because not only do I like to save money, but I like to save others money.

So here begins my blog to save you some money...

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