

A successful birthday present!

For my daughters 9th birthday, we gave her a butterfly garden and it was a PERFECT gift.  We had such an amazing time watching the whole process from caterpillar to butterfly.  Yesterday we set the five butterflies free and it was a bittersweet process, but we wanted them to be in their natural environment.  I'm sure we'll participate in the process again.  They are on sale right now on Amazon for $14.99.  What a great birthday present or stockaway present.  The caterpillars don't actually come with it, so you could order the kit and save it for the future.  Then when you are ready to use it, you either mail in a postcard or put in a code online and pay $3.00 shipping and handling for the catepillars to be sent.  {Makes it handy to give it as a Christmas present, because then you can order the catepillars at a more appropriate time of year a few months later.} One of our favorite birthday presents yet!

Remember Amazon ships free with $25.00 purchases, so just snag something else to go along with this.  I used my swagbucks Amazon gift cards I'd earned and got it completely free.  Gotta love that!

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