1. Christmas Family Home Evening (Lesson about the Meaning and Origin of Christmas)
2. Dance to Christmas Music
3. Write letters to Santa
4. Draw a Christmas picture
5. Watch a Christmas movie
6. Go to The Festival of Trees
7. Carol around the piano together
8. Secret Service
9. Visit Santa (which has always been followed by a family lunch out with kid's free coupons from school)
10. Make an ornament
11. Christmas Readathon around the tree
12. Make and frost sugar cookies
13. Christmas story go-around ... I start a story and then at some point would stop, where my oldest picks up and then stops. Then the next oldest picks up the story and then we continue on to the next child and eventually it comes back to me. Last year, we made up a very creative story together all about visiting Santa at the North Pole, magic mittens, and special elves.
14. Act out the Christmas story- My kids play whatever role they want and I get to play everything else!
15. Make Gingerbread house - this year it really evolved into a gingerbread village... my kids were at this for hours. It made a great family night!
16. Write letters to the missionaries
17. Go see Christmas Lights
18. Act out a Christmas Play
19. Write a Christmas Story
20. Make Snowflakes
21. Tell family stories by the fireplace
22. String popcorn and hang it on the tree
23. Color Christmas coloring pages
24. Make up a Christmas game
25. Open presents!
Happy December!
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