

Fun Ideas for Dr. Seuss's Birthday and Read Across America...

Every year for Dr. Seuss's Birthday on March 2nd, we have green eggs and ham.  My kids love it. 
We often have "crazy hair day" at our house in honor of those Whoville citizens and other whacky Seuss characters! My kids are most often out of school for Dr. Seuss Day, so we have a lot of fun at home together...
We also do other fun activities, games and read-a-thons to collaborate with Read Across America Day.  Below are some fun lessons we have done in the past...

Preschool Lesson Plan
1-    Decorate Dr. Seuss placemats as they arrive. I then mounted the placemats on thicker cardstock and laminated them so we could eat on them for snack time and the kids could take them home to keep.
2-     Calendar Time/Songs
3-     Introduce the letter D.
4-     D is for Dr. Seuss – explain what an author is, show all his books.
5-     Dr. Seuss likes to rhyme… Read Hop on Pop and Cat in the Hat.  Teach what a rhyme is.
6-     Sing 1 or 2 rhyme songs and see if they can recognize that they have rhymes in them – 5 Little Speckled Frogs, Hickory Dickory Dock, 5 Little Monkey, etc.
7-     Play 2 rhyme games – Show 3 pictures, 2 of which rhyme.  Have the kids figure out which 2 rhyme.  The second game is the Body Name Game…
Body Name Game
How to Play: Begin by modeling how to rhyme. Point to parts of your body, say a rhyming word and your child should say the body part. This puts rhyming into her ears with a visual cue (pointing). If you point to your nose and say rose, she will automatically say nose.
--Tell your child, "We are going to play a rhyming game. Rhyming words have the same sound endings. I'm going to point to something on my body, and say a word. You're going to say the body part that rhymes. Okay?"

--Give her two examples: "I'm pointing to my leg, and I say beg. You say leg. I'm pointing to my nose. I say rose, and you say nose.

--Here's a list of body parts and rhyming words:

--When your child is able to do this, turn it around. Point to your knee and your child will say a rhyming word such as bee or me!
When your child rhymes body parts, play this game:
--Say, "I'm going to say a word and you'll tell me as many rhyming words as you can. I say bee." Your child then says words such as "he, she, we three, free, or agree."

--Choose one-syllable words that are easy to rhyme with such as had, rat, man, fall, ten, red, big, fill, hop, dog, bug and sun. All of these have multiple words that rhyme.

8-     Older Kids can do a rhyming game with magnets.  Switch out the first letter and show them how it’s really just changing the first sound. 
9-     Cat in the Hat Craft with paper plate rims and white paper bags.  First you will need to cut the center out of the paper plates.  Kids decorate the white paper bags and plate rims however they want. Next you stick the paper bag through the paper plate rim and attach it to the rim with tape, glue or staples.  Finally punch a whole in 2 sides of the plate and tie string on each side to allow the hats to be tied to their heads.
10-   Play time
11-   Snack time – Read Green Eggs and Ham while they eat green eggs and ham and a cupcake for Dr. Seuss’s birthday.
12-   Storytime – The Foot book and The Eye Book
13-   Music Time – Explain that Dr. Seuss loved animals and creating his own versions of animals.  Pull out a book per child and have them find a silly animal to show the class.  To continue discussing animals, read Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?  Finish by playing animal songs and having them play to the music.
14-   Party Time – to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday end with some party games: Toss in a hat (toss 3 wadded up papers into Dr. Seuss hat each, see if you can get 1,2 or 3); Seussaphone for older kids (like telephone where one person says a phrase and whispers it to the next person who whispers it to the next and so on.  Eventually the last person says what they thought it was, which usually is a silly rendition of the real thing!); Animal Charades; Cat, Cat, Hat (Like Duck, Duck, Goose, but when you say hat, put the Dr. Seuss hat on that person); Dr. Seuss Says (like Simon Says... I let the person in charge where the Dr. Seuss Hat).

Other games can be found on  One is called Cat Tricks- The Cat in the Hat likes to play tricks, what tricks can you do?  See who can say their abc’s, wiggle their ears, wink, skip, etc. 

See our other Dr. Seuss Posts here!

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