

Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess!

March 2nd is Dr. Suess's Birthday or "Read Across America" day. Schools all over the country have fun activities to celebrate reading and Dr. Suess. But you don't have to have a child in school to have fun with this holiday. Last year, Andrea shared a link to a fun Dr. Suess Unit that included activities you could easily do with your child at home. I also had a lot of fun celebrating this holiday with my 2- and 3-year-old last year. We started the day with green eggs and ham to go with that classic book. I just used a little food coloring to turn the scrambled eggs green.

Then, we pulled out all of our Dr. Suess books to read, and then I did a few simple crafts with my boys. We decorated hats after reading The Cat in the Hat--my older son glued pieces of tissue paper in a red and white pattern, while my younger child just colored with a marker.
Then, we also cut up pieces of craft foam to make flower collages, with a little pom-pom on top to represent the flower and speck in Horton Hears a Who. 
Finally, we played a dancing game with stars to go with the book The Sneetches--inspired by the classic cake walk game. I cut out stars from different colors of construction paper stars. I played music and then stopped it. When the music stopped, the kids had to race to stand on a star. I called out a color, and whoever was standing on that color was the winner. My prizes were just stickers. I made sure to allow my kids plenty of opportunities to win so it wasn't too competitive, but they had a lot of fun with that game.

I have more fun ideas that I'm going to try this year, such as counting with goldfish (for  the book One Fish, Two Fish...), making apple hats for Ten Apples Up On Top, and more. For all of My Dr. Suess ideas, follow my Dr. Suess board on Pinterest or see our other Dr. Seuss posts!

Tomorrow we'll post even more Dr. Seuss ideas for you to try out, so check back!

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