

A few St. Patrick's Day treats

The kids are finishing up the leprechaun traps for the evening and full of excitement... below are some of our fun St. Patrick's Day treats we made today for fun!  Go here for our past treats...

 Some of my favorites- You make these by placing pretzels on a cookie sheet.  Then place a hershey kiss on top of each pretzel.  Bake at 200 degrees for 5-6 minutes, until the chocolate is soft.  Then place a green m&m on top and squish the chocolate down.  Cool down (preferably in the fridge for about 5 minutes, longer if out of the fridge).  Yum!
These are very simple leprechauns hats. I use grasshopper cookies (girl scout cookies would work too) and reeses peanut butter cups. I took the foil off of the reeses peanut butter cups and then placed it upside down. Then you can cut a square with a hole out of it from green or gold paper to make a buckle.  I suggest you glue this onto the paper on the reeses peanut butter cup or it will fall off.

Hope you enjoy some of the fun St. Patrick's Day activities.  Look here for Rainbow activities, here for shamrock printables, and here for fun games, songs and lesson plans to celebrate the big day!

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