

DIY Puppet Theater and Stage

A couple of years ago, I made this puppet theater as a Christmas gift for my kids.

 This also doubles as a "stage" for my kids to put on shows. I created the curtains to be long enough that they could be lifted up and used as full-size curtains.

I created this to fit an opening we have between our dining room and family room. If you don't have a large space as I did, you could easily do a doorway-sized puppet theater like this. I liked having a larger theater for my three kids to all be able to use together and to use as a "stage" as well as puppet theater. However, it is more difficult to store because it is so big. Still, it is very worth storing because all three of my kids love it!

Below are the instructions for creating it. I am not an expert sewer but I was happy with how it turned out. If you have any questions just comment below and I'll do my best to help you out.

  • two tension curtain rods (these come in various sizes--get the appropriate size depending on whether you are creating this to fit a door/hallway or if you have a larger space as I had).
  • light blue felt for background (bought from a bolt in the felt by the yard section)--I got two yards to fill my large space--the felt I bought was very wide.
  • small pieces of yellow and white felt (can also be purchased by the yard or as individual felt sheets)
  • red fabric for curtains (one yard would fit a small door/hallway. I used four yards because I was filling a larger space and creating curtains that could both be put down for a puppet theater and be lifted up to be used as regular stage).
  • thread
  • sewing machine
  • sewing scissors
  • decorative cord (optional). I got two yards. For a doorway theater, one yard would be enough.
  • hot glue gun with glue (optional--if you are going to glue instead of sew on some elements)
  • fusible web (optional)
  • gold fabric (optional)
  • iron (optional--if you are using fusible web)
Note: The amount of fabric and the size of the tension rods will depend on how much space you have. For a doorway theater that fits a regular hallway, you will use less than I did. I had a larger opening between our dining room and family room that I measured my fabric and tension rods to fit.



First, I created two basic curtains. I used the tutorial here as a basis for creating the curtain. Here is my explanation of how to create the curtains:
  • Measure and cut your fabric to fit your space. I used two curtains for my theater because I was using it both as a puppet theater and as a "stage." You could also just have one curtain if you are only using it as a puppet theater.
  • Hem the bottom of your curtain.
  • To create the loop on the top of your curtain, first turn over the top 1/4 inch and then fold it over again a couple of inches--leaving a space wide enough to fit your curtain rod. Pin it in place.
  • Sew a straight line across your fold, making sure the loop you are creating is big enough to fit your curtain rod.
  • Repeat if you are creating two curtains as I did.
  • You can add decorative lettering with gold fabric as I did by using fusible web to iron letters on the curtains. Here is a tutorial explaining fusible web if you are unfamiliar with it.
  • I also added decorative cord to the curtains. I just used hot glue to attach the cord.


If you want to add a background as I did, you can make it as follows:
  • Measure your fabric and cut the fabric to the appropriate size for your space. One yard of fabric would fit a small doorway. My space was larger so it was a couple of yards. I used blue felt for the "sky." Felt holds up well and does not need to be hemmed.
  • Add decorative elements as desired. I put on a yellow felt sun and white felt clouds. You could hot glue these on or sew them on to make them more secure. Other elements you might add could be mountains, trees, etc. You could also create a night scene with black felt and white stars and moon.
  • Fold over the top couple inches of your background and sew a straight line across to create a loop that you can fit a curtain rod through.
When you are done with the curtains and background, assemble the puppet theater by sliding the curtains and background on your curtain rods. Then, mount the curtain rods in your space and have fun putting on shows!

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