
Homemade Cardboard Boxes and Blanket Forts, a Perfect Snowy or Rainy Day Activity

 Kids are home for Winter, Spring or Summer Break and you are trying to figure out how to keep their minds engaged rather than video games and movies the whole time?  It's easier in the Spring or Summer as the outdoor activities are endless.  But Winter can be a little trickier.  Here are a few ideas for you.

#1: Pull out a cardboard box, scissors, paint, etc.  Let your kid's imaginations go wild.  My son came up with a "monster" box and used it as a costume.  Kids can make a play house, or a toy kitchen, a decorative table for a tea party, etc.  For fabulous ideas on things to build, read one of my favorite books growing up, Christina Katerina and the Box!

#2: Blanket Forts.  We set up cardboard tables and pull out blankets.  The kids then build their own forts.  {The books on top are just to hold the blankets in place}.  The kids can fill the fort with activities or books.  Perfect for a fun afternoon read-a-thon!

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